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Backup Management

1 min read

An automated backup is done every two weeks.
The backup is complete: the entire filesystem and database is copied and transferred to an external location.

The external location is an Amazon Web Services (AWS)  S3 bucket.
S3 is a system owned by Amazon and is designed for cloud storage.
It is designed for use people with some system administration experience: it is not as simple to use as dropbox.
However, it is much less expensive.

The AWS account is owned by Aotearoa Support, and at some point I would like to hand over the login credentials to someone within the organisation.
I’m happy to do administration myself, but Aotearoa Support should own the AWS account.

For the moment my credit card is linked to the AWS account.
That’s fine for the moment: S3 storage is very inexpensive.

Should you move to another administrator then choose one with experience of AWS.

The current configuration allows an AWS sub-account to import files.
Should a monthly cost be forecast to exceed $15 for the month, then myself and Jan will get an email alert.

To keep costs down someone with account access should log in periodically and delete older backups.

Amazon will send invoices to on a monthly basis.

I will hold a copy of the AWS root user admin login credentials.
Emails from AWS to will be forwarded to me.

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